A man has run a half marathon to raise money to replace furniture stolen from a home for blind people.

James Card’s youngest brother Tom, 18, who is registered as blind and has learning difficulties, stays at the home in Leatherhead which was robbed.

Mr Card, 23, and his friend Simon Field, 31, have raised nearly £3,000 for SeeAbility and finished in under two hours at the Roding Valley Half Marathon on Sunday, March 3.

The garden furniture was stolen from the Willows, in Wesley Road, which is run by charity SeeAbility, after it was stored down the side of the property at the end of summer.

Jayne McGann, director of fundraising and marketing at SeeAbility, said staff only recently noticed that the chairs were missing.

Ms McGann said: "It’s impossible for us to say how long they have been gone - they are being replaced through the fundraising efforts of the brother of one of the young people who lives in that particular service."

Mr Card he could not be more pleased with the race times and amount of money they had raised.

He said: "We were both spurred on as donations came in. It was a great feeling to motivate you to do the best you can.

"I wanted to help out for my brother's sake and give something back to the Willows."

To donate visit www.justgiving.com/JamesandSimon1.