This crazy hospital sell-off plan really makes no sense.

I have seen details of the plan to sell off St Anthony’s Hospital in North Cheam by the Nuns of the Daughters of the Cross.

This action has threatened the future of the wonderful St Rafael’s Hospice on the same site and put a cloud over the futures of the 500 loyal employees of both organisations.

But why? The Daughters of the Cross is one of the wealthiest charities in the country and  fundraise on an international scale.

They have assets worth hundreds of millions of pounds and have no need of the cash the sale would raise.

Unfortunately, because of the nature of the Catholic church, decisions made by the head of the order are accepted without question. No reasons need be given and no one involved would question the decisions publicly, even if they have misgivings in private.

Now Paul Burstow MP is taking an interest in this matter let us hope he is able to ask the right questions of the right people and unscramble this holy mess.
