We attended the Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee Meeting on 28th March and one of the items on the agenda was a discussion on the proposed ideas of the Better Service Better Value Panel.

It is still being suggested that closing Departments and Units in St. Helier and/or Epsom Hospitals will save money and also bring about a more efficient service. People attending the meeting spoke about their concerns over the length of the journey to the A & E at St. George's Hospital in Tooting and the increased number of patients as a result of any closures in local hospitals.

There was a feeling of disgust that the BSBV Panel does not seem to be taking any notice of the public's concern about what is proposed. The funding of the NHS needs thorough investigation as does the need for more staff (consultants, doctors and nurses) especially at weekends. Cutting vital departments in local hospitals is "papering over the cracks" for a short term solution which will only get worse as the number of patients increase whilst funding decreases.

Diane and Eric Brown

By email