Dear Sir,

A certain issue that has come to my attention is that more and more teenagers are buying alcoholic drinks or illegal drugs.

Recently I read an article about young people in Chessington who were drinking and messing around and things got out of hand when the teenagers were loose on the streets. They started to smash cars and destroy bikes.

A lot of items would have had to have been repaired or replaced.

I believe this wouldn’t happen to people if these teenagers didn’t have a form of getting their hands on alcohol or drugs. What I mean by this is fake IDs.

These IDs allow them to have access to things they shouldn’t.

Being a young person myself of thirteen years of age, I hope that people understand that not all teenagers are bad and irresponsible but just to be careful if you are putting yourself in danger.

I think shop owners or suppliers of alcohol don’t realise how easy it is for children to go out and buy these items.

This issue should be one that’s heard by communities all over so that they understand the outcome of these increasing problems.

Teenagers need to realise that they shouldn’t be allowed to walk around doing as they please. If that was the case then there wouldn’t be any laws against these things.

Neamh Gilligan