A photograph of a silhouetted robin in a tree has scooped an award.

Fifteen-year-old Mark Turner's photograph was voted the public's favourite at the Garden Wildlife Showcase at Wallington County Grammar School last week.

The photography competition encouraged people to get a snapshot of garden wildlife.

Eleven other entries were named runners up and all 12 photographs will now be included in a Garden Wildlife Calendar which will be distributed free at the annual BioBlitz in August.

To view all photos visit http://suttonnature.wordpress.com/biodiversitygardens/photography-competition/.


List of winners (title of photo first)
•         Solemn Robin – Mark Turner

•         Blackcap Calling - Gill Fisher
•         Buds of Spring - Lucy-Claire Duckworth
•         Gregarious Goldfinches - Lucinda Offer
•         A Squirrel’s Eye View - Pedro Pires
•         Bombus Pair - Kam Hong Leung
•         Stag Beetle Stance – Celia O’Connell
•         Ladybird in Lavender - Olivia Townsend
•         Butterfly on Buddleia - John Tickner
•         The Cautious Carrion Crow - Pedro Pires
•         The First Frosts - Gill Fisher
•         Fieldfare in the Snowfall - John Tickner