I really must take issue (belatedly) with the Head of Sutton Parking Service's letter 'CCTV cars are a highly visible deterrent'.

Ms Ashby states that the CCTV cars are clearly marked and a highly visible deterrent.

This is nonsense. The cars are marked only "CCTV enforcement".

It is not clear what CCTV they enforce nor on whose authority.

I have often thought of stopping one and demanding to know what they were doing.

They have seemed particularly worrying in the light of activities by Google and the American security services.

It now turns out they are enforcing parking regulations and doing it on behalf of Sutton Council.

Why is this not stated on the cars?

If the Head of Parking Services thinks their purpose and authority is "clearly marked" when it is not marked at all, one has to wonder about her competence for the job.

Tom Geddes; Grennell Close, Sutton

What do you think? Send your letter to letters@suttonguardian.co.uk.