I have just returned from the meeting of Croydon’s Cabinet where the proposal to build a new secondary school on the Croydon Arena site was discussed. 

There are views on both sides of the argument and the three Woodside councillors have made a great effort insuring all views have been taken into account during the consultation stage.

Recently the press released a story that Ryelands primary would be moved to the CALAT site on Sandown road to open up space for the new build.

I was shocked to hear tonight that Cllr Tim Pollard the conservative Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Learning told the public meeting in the town hall that this information had not come from the council, but he said it was interesting the story broke a few days after a full governors meeting.

I’m proud to be a governor at such a first rate school as Ryelands and take my role incredibly seriously, but I feel personally hurt that an elected representative and the man responsible for schools in Croydon would seek to undermine a governing body with such a flippant, ill-conceived statement.

I would like to speak up for all school governors be they parents or members of the community who put in many hours of work, not for financial gain but simply because they care about the education of Croydon’s children.

I’m flabbergasted at Cllr Pollard actions and I hope he will make a full and public apology.

I would like it made clear that I am writing personally as a local resident and governor and this letter may not be the view of the school, but I was present at the meeting and am so angry I feel compelled to write.

Andrew Rendle
Cumberland Road, Woodside

Prospective Labour candidate for Ashburton ward

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