By Zoe Woodbridge

The Deighton family from New Malden share a passion that is out of reach of most people, apart from watching Ski Sunday on television.

However, Aveilline is mother to three young skiers who are beginning to make a name for themselves on the slopes of Europe.

Top of the tree is 14-year-old Toby who dominated the Scottish Championships earlier this year by winning both the slalom and giant slalom U14s events.

He also won both disciplines at the British Inter-Schools championships in France in March, before two runner-up spots at the Delancey British Championships in April.

Toby has the bragging rights over brother Oliver, 16, and Harry, 12, and he is not ashamed to make that point.

“I’ve probably won over 100 events,” he said. “I race against my little brother but he’s not as good as me so I’m not worried. I’ve got better results, and in training the coaches say I’m better. I’d like to be in the Europa Cup in 10 years time.

“I got into skiing at Primary School. I joined the school ski team and kept getting better. That was at Surbiton Prep Boys School.

“Ollie started skiing first and it partly helped me get into it, but mostly I did it on my own.”

He added: “Skiing is fun but it does involve hard work. It’s quite hard to study and ski at the same time because I have to ask permission to leave school.

“I’m part of the British Ski Academy in France and it has a school system where my teachers give me work to take away."

With training every week at Hemel Hempstead’s Snow Centre, numerous trips abroad to compete and high end skiing equipment for all three boys, the sport does not come cheap for their PE teacher mum.

Aveilline said: “Pretty much all my salary goes on skiing. We are supported by the British Ski Academy and we’re very grateful but it is a lot.”

Your Local Guardian: Harry Deighton

Bronzed: Harry picks up the bronze in U14s British slalom championships earlier this year

But despite the cost, Aveilline has been inspired to add another pressure to her bank account.

She said: “I started racing two years ago. I’m now a novice adult ski racer and won the English Masters in Bormio in February.

“I’ve definitely been inspired by my children. I’m not competitive with my boys but I am inspired by them to improve and get better.”