Neighbours have pleaded with the council to take firm action to stem crime and anti-social behaviour that have left them living in fear.

Residents of Greenview Avenue and Burrell Close in Shirley say an alleyway joining the two roads forms the focal point of drug deals, thefts, vandalism and intimidation.

They claim the problems, which have led to repeated police callouts over the last 18 months, are worsening and could be tackled by closing the path to the public.

Croydon Council said closing the alleyway would inconvenience residents, but some locals urged for safety to take priority.

Several residents - all of whom asked not to be named through fear of being targeted - contacted the Croydon Guardian to express concerns.

One man, who lives close to the alleyway near Greenview Avenue, said: "You come home at night and there are gangs. It is relentless. They are very abusive, a real menace. There is real fear from local people.

"You can't live, you can't get out of your front door."

A 68-year-old woman, who lives alone in Burrell Close, said: "I have had eggs and hard objects thrown at my windows. I've had cladding broken. They are very intimidating, I'd say frightening.

"It can be horrible at times."

Another resident, of Greenview Avenue, said: "At Halloween last year they were actually throwing lit fireworks at the houses.

"There are drug dealers who stay in the pathway on a nightly basis. I've known people have windows smashed, front doors kicked on late at night, valuable items stolen from gardens - bikes, garden ornaments."

Metropolitan Police officers from Shirley and Ashburton's Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) regularly patrol the area, where a dispersal order allows police to banish suspected troublemakers for 24-hour periods.

Sergeant John Nunn, from Ashburton SNT, said: "We have held local street briefings and sent questionnaires to local residents to get a better idea of what has been going on and find out if they feel the situation is improving.

Your Local Guardian:

Residents have suffered damage to their property

"We have executed a drugs search warrant at a nearby address, although no drugs were found on that occasion, and officers carry out patrols in the area on every shift.

"We are determined to make the area a safe place for local people and would ask residents to get in touch if they are experiencing problems."

A spokesman for Croydon Council said it had discussed concerns with residents, but added a consultation had found most residents did not want to alleyway gated.

But one resident neighbour, of Burrell Close, said: "The problem with the council is that they only put gating orders in when people have been killed. What's the point in that?

"When people's security is threatened, that's far more important than the convenience of a public footway."

Do you live in the area? How bad are the problems? Do you think the alleyway should be closed? Tell us your views below.