More than 200 tonnes of asphalt has been laid to create a smooth surface for the new Walton Bridge which opens next month.

The 220 tonnes have been laid on top of 1,200 tonnes of concrete to create the new road surface, which will be used by more than 30,000 vehicles a day.

The new river crossing will be the first major road crossing to open over the Thames in more than 20 years.

John Furey, Surrey County Council’s cabinet member for transport, highways and environment, said: “Now we really are well down the road to opening this new landmark over the famous old river.

“Good transport links are vital to Surrey’s economic growth so, by investing in projects such as Walton Bridge, we are investing in the county’s future prosperity.”

Norman Baker, Transport Minister, said the £32m crossing would “aid economic growth” because it will provide access to employers, schools and shopping centres.