I only learned this morning of the proposed build of a McDonalds in Wallington.

I would have thought that we would have heard more about this proposal from the council and our local councillors by the way of leaflets, so we could have a chance to have our say before it is given the go ahead.

Having lived in Wallington for most of my life, I think it has declined in the past years. It would be nice if some more upmarket companies came to the town.

Within the last few weeks yet another betting shop has opened on the corner of Stafford/Demesne Road, which now makes a total of six within a quarter of a mile of each other.

We also have more than enough pizza and fast food businesses in the area, we do not need a McDonalds when there are already two a mile down the road on the Purley Way.

In the last 10 years we have had three big companies leave Wallington, Homebase Head Office, Encyclopaedia Britannica and Canon, all of which employed a combined staff of over 2,000.

When these companies left, the area changed and it affected not only local jobs but businesses suffered from lack of lunch time trade from office staff.

Since then no other large company has moved into their vacant offices, which have been up for rent for years or as with Canon House turned into flats, with another Sainsbury’s local below it, which we did not need.

The council seems to have done nothing to encourage these types of businesses back into the area.

Come on Sutton Council and our MP, help our town before it declines further.

Donna Moran; Wallington