More than 500 people became firefighters for the day as Walton fire station opened their doors to the public.

One of the most eye-catching displays at the open day, held on Wednesday, September 4, was the live demonstration of a kitchen fire unit, which crew manager Paul Evans said shows why you must not pour water on to an oil fire, commonly a chip pan.

A live road traffic collision, where fire crews removed the roof of a car, also proved a hit with visitors.

Children clambered aboard water rescue equipment and put on life jackets to test out what it might be like to head out on a water rescue job.

To see firsthand the conditions firefighters are often faced with, a smoke filled room was set up for visitors to enter and pretend to search for someone among the smoke.

Specialist Group International and Fire and Emergency Services Support Group, who provide additional support and assistance to the Walton crews, also attended.