Is it really seven years since the Conservatives won the vote of the Electorate in Croydon?

Looking back over those seven years what have they done for those living in the less privileged areas?

The answer: not a lot.

Although they claim they have, one of the most recent cuts to make the headlines was taking away an essential service: lollipop crossing patrols.

It seems those affected have given up the fight and accepted cuts had to be made.

But now a report in Croydon Guardian stating that £43m is owed to Croydon Council in council tax.

A council spokesman defends this saying the borough will always rank higher when outstanding debt figures are released.

But further on in this report he states "We pursue every pound that is owed to us, no matter how far back the debt goes"

So if we are to believe this statement, why is there this vast amount of money owed?

Would the opposition (Labour) had allowed this to happen? Evidently not as Councillor Tony Newman says "it is unacceptable".

Think if the council had collected all of the £43m: would any of the less privileged areas have seen anything spent?

I have to say, living in one of the under-privileged areas since 1974 , my answer is a resounding 'no'!

Peter Terry, West Croydon