The most recent newsletter from Sutton Foodbank they noted that demand for their service has grown by 95 per cent this year.

They are encouraging us to sign an important petition calling for the Government to launch a parliamentary debate.

If you type in “UK Hunger” on the website you will find the petition to sign if you agree that this is unacceptable in modern Britain.

A report by Kent County Council recently noted that the welfare reforms are linked to a “rise in homelessness, violent crime, people in debt and the number of children relying on food banks to get by”.

If our MPs support Sutton Foodbank and the amazing work they do, it’s about time they understood that the policies they promote are leading to the current rise in use of food banks and support the poor and vulnerable in society rather than take money for them to pay off the debts of the rich.

Mark Murton; Mint Road, Wallington

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