The search has begun for inspirational individuals or teams who have made a real difference to the care offered in mental health, learning disability and drug and alcohol services.

Nominations are now open for Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s Staff Achievement and Recognition Scheme awards 2013.

There are nine awards categories from employee of the year to an award for creativity and innovation. 

Anyone can make a nomination and entries from people who have accessed the trust’s services and their carers are particularly encouraged.

Fiona Edwards, the trust’s chief executive, said:  "These awards are absolutely key in saying thank you to our staff and acknowledging the crucial work they do in caring for those who use our services.

"There will be many stars out there who have impressed local people in the last year either through their creativity, initiative or dedication and we want to hear about them. 

"It’s incredibly important that they are recognized for what they do."

For more information about the awards and to nominate call 01372 216285 or click here.

The closing date for nominations is 5pm at January 31, 2014.