A few weeks ago, we marked the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings and rightly paid tribute to the brave men and women who served our nation at that critical moment in our history.

Many veterans may not, however, be aware that they can apply for funding to visit the places where they served.

Through your pages can I draw the attention of veterans of World War II to the Heroes Return 2 programme which, thanks to support from the Big Lottery Fund, offers grants of between £165 and £8,140 towards travel and accommodation expenses to enable them, their spouse and carers to take part in commemorative visits in the UK and overseas.

To date, awards of over £28m have been made to more than 57,000 people.
Details can be found at www.biglotteryfund.org/heroes
return or by calling the helpline on 0845 4102030.

As we remember with gratitude their service to our country, I hope some of our local veterans might consider taking advantage of this funding

By email