In reply to the letter (It is cowardly to give views while concealing identity, September 26), this intemperate personal attack simply underlines the wisdom of retaining my anonymity.

In reply to the letter by Mr Jamal (No peace until equality issues are addressed, September 26), my letter was neither prejudiced, nor anti-Muslim.

Again, Mr Jamal is using, in his words, “roundaboutism” to claim the moral high ground and thus disparage and denigrate the views of others.

On the other hand, I have been writing to remind people of inconvenient truths they would much rather forget because they contradict the high moral tone and holier than thou attitude.

In reply to the letter by Mr Hamel (No angels, September 26), the idea that Hamas was created in response to “nuclear armed Israel” is putting the cart before the horse.

Ever since the creation of Israel in 1948, and up to the present day, Palestinian Muslim Arabs have been committing acts of terrorism, starting with the infiltration of the Fedayin of Al Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organisation, who used guns, hand grenades and bombs to kill civilians.

Hisbollah, in Lebanon, fired many hundreds of rockets at civilians in Israel and, similarly, Hamas in Gaza has fired hundreds of rockets at civilians in Israel.

Similarly, from 1948 to 1967, the Syrian Army daily shelled Jewish civilian farms and settlements below the Golan Heights, and with the exact same disregard for the Geneva Convention as the Palestinian Muslim Arabs – namely, the unlawful killing of civilian citizens of a state or country who you consider your enemy.

Such behaviour is both a crime against humanity and a war crime, and yet the UN turned a blind eye to all of the above because of the prevailing anti-war political correctness.

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, so the killing of “enemy” civilians became acceptable – and, yes, folk hero Che Guevara was guilty of crimes against humanity. Given that most Palestinian Muslim Arabs are unwilling to co-exist with the Jews, may I propose a radical solution that would create peace, but no doubt will not please many on either side.

Namely, the UN agrees to and sanctions: (a) a new Judeo-Christian state of Israel; (b) with the borders being from Gaza, on the Mediterranean, to Eilat on the Red Sea, from Eilat to the Golan Heights, and from the Golan Heights west to the Med; and (c) the Palestinian Muslim Arabs be exchanged for Christian Arabs (such as the Christian minority Yazidi, of Iraq) from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Egypt.