I was somewhat bemused to read in Marilyn Mason’s flyer that she describes herself as a founder member of Cara (Canbury and Riverside Association).

As the first chairman of Cara when it was set up more than 20 years ago, I can tell you that Marilyn was not a founder member, and that she was not on the committee during the three years that I chaired it.

I feel that this inaccurate claim should be corrected.


Editor’s note: Mrs Mason is standing for the Liberal Democrats in the Tudor ward byelection on October 16.

We contacted her about her election literature. Her response is below:


Mike Seigel is, of course, quite right.

I was not a founder member of Cara – this was a genuine editing error in one of our flyers, though my roles on the Cara committee and as its newsletter editor are described correctly in other material.

So, I apologise for any confusion this mistake may have caused.

I have founded or been a founder member of several groups in Kingston, including the Euphonix community choir and the Kingston Philosophy Cafe, which may have contributed to the confusion.


Liberal Democrat candidate for Tudor ward