Can I add to Liz Brereton’s letter in the Croydon Guardian (Your Say, March 4).

I am one of the volunteer walk leaders in the Croydon health walk scheme, which is probably the best in the United Kingdom.

During our Friday morning walk we had and still have a problem crossing the Purley Way at the junction with Waddon Road and Mill Lane.

When John Lewis took up their premises on the Purley Way, Transport for London (TfL), who control the traffic lights at the junction, insisted that clients of John Lewis exit into Mill Lane.

No changes were made to the traffic signal timings and there are therefore daily hundreds of instances of traffic still passing the pedestrian crossing when the pedestrian green man is showing.

After 18 months of trying I eventually managed to get TfL to increase the after green man timing to about eight seconds instead of the previous four seconds (with no help whatsoever from the then councillors of Waddon).

Despite this increase in after timing we are still getting vehicles crossing when the green man is showing.

The majority of our walkers are either retired, or returning from illness, or have special needs and even partially sighted.

There is rightly uproar when a cyclist is killed or injured on London’s roads, yet every day on London’s roads an average of three pedestrians a day are killed or seriously injured. Don’t we deserve some uproar?

Dale Road Purley