I write in reply to the letter (It beggars belief that park has become derelict, Your Say, March 19).

I have lived in Rose Hill opposite this sports ground for more than 30 years. Some years ago, before the sports facility was built, Sutton Council sent a letter to all the residents stating that, if planning permission was granted to build the sports facility that now adorns Rose Hill Park, no more construction work would be carried out on this site.

Sutton Council seems to either have a very short memory, or is hoping that many residents have moved on, or that existing and new residents would not know, or had forgotten about this promise.

Well I remember it, but unfortunately I no longer have this letter.

I am sure that a copy must exist somewhere within the archives of the council offices.

So, is this yet another broken promise, which governments of all persuasions seem to revel in?

Or perhaps Sutton Council thinks it can do whatever it likes and does not give a rusty nail about the residents.

I think a robust opposition is called for.

Have we not seen enough of our green spaces vandalised?
