Yes, I believe that uniforms should be mandatory. Uniforms move student’s minds from judging what each other is wearing to focusing on learning. School has become more of a fashion show then a place for learning. Uniforms also can stop some of the bullying that occurs when one student is unable afford name brand items. School is a place to learn, not to flaunt fashion, wealth or privilege. Unfortunately as it stands now kids spend so much time being stressed out about popularity and social standing that they hardly have the energy to learn anything valuable. School uniforms would take some of that pressure away because when everyone is dressed the same there isn't much room for discrimination. Kids can therefore be judged by their peers on their own merits, not by what brand of jeans they wear. Parents as well can benefit because buying uniforms is much cheaper and less stressful than spending obscene amounts of time and money purchasing a varied wardrobe, often for more than one child at a time.

Uniforms also have a positive impact on school environments by promoting the idea of a universal student body that is of like mind when it comes to education. Students who attend schools that require uniforms develop a better understanding as themselves as representative of an institution. They are also better attuned to their commonalities rather than their differences. So many people argue that school uniforms prevent children's ability to express themselves. But, in a school setting, I believe that their focus should be entirely on their education, and that uniforms not only eliminate a number of distractions, but equalize the school population.

Students need to get used to not being allowed to wear what they want on weekdays. When they go to a job interview, you can't wear what you want, jobs have dressed codes which have to be followed. Therefore, schools need to enforce dress codes from a young age to show them what it’s like in the real world or work.