It's now less than 4 weeks to the wedding, and I haven't lost any weight at all... was there a flaw in my master-plan? I thought it was foolproof: whilst sitting at my desk or in front of the TV, I clenched my stomach occasionally (when I remembered to), I ate less chocolate (sometimes) and in my lunch hour I walked up the road to the supermarket (where they sell all the nice food). Ah. Maybe that was the weak link in this plan. Admittedly, my nice healthy walk would usually be rewarded with something sweet and calorific. It's easy to fall into that trap, thinking "well I just walked for almost an hour, so I can have that chocolate bar..." - whereas in reality, 1 hour of exercise = one jaffa cake.

Meanwhile, one of my bridesmaids has gone down from a size 16-18 to a 12 in the months between being measured for the dress and having the first fitting. It wasn't the end of the world – taking fabric away is easier than adding it, and it gave us all a good laugh as she stepped out of the changing room clutching the dress around her like a bath-towel. They took the dress in by about 5 inches, but they wouldn't attempt the bolero jacket – aside from ordering a new one and paying another 80 quid, the only option was to do it myself. So that's what I did on Saturday night – I spent 7 hours re-making a size 18 satin jacket thing (complete with lining and edge-piping) into a size 12-14. I always thought that my own dress would be the difficult one, but both the bridesmaid dresses had to be altered, and mine just needed about a foot of fabric chopped off the bottom.

Anyway, all of the dresses (currently) fit and are hanging on my mum's wardrobe – meaning of course that she can't get to any of her clothes and is wearing the same 2 outfits over and over again.

I admit, I am a little jealous of the bridesmaids – they both look great in their long dark red satin dresses – the problem is, they look just a bit too good to be standing next to me in all the wedding photos. Does anyone know where I can get some giant tartan hats?