A newly refurbished diagnostic unit opened at Mayday Healthcare NHS trust on Friday October 23.

The unit was opened to provide state of the art equipment for diagnosing bowel cancer and related diseases. It was paid for by a generous donation of £1.4 million by Croydon Colorectal Cancer Charity and legacy money.

It was opened by David Jensen, chairman of the charity and has a new reception area, four consultation rooms, two gender segregated areas, a new recovery area and the latest endoscopy equipment.

The unit will see approximately 11,000 patients a year.

Mr Jensen said: “I'm grateful to all committee members and trustees who raided their piggy banks to get the much needed funds for this project.”

Ian Swift, clinical director for planned care, also expressed his gratitude to Mr and Mrs Datta who provided the legacy money for the project.

He emphasised the big difference the unit will make to patients during what can be a worrying time in their lives.

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