By Community Correspondent Irina Harutunyan

Being a Catholic school, Gumley House organises many events during which money is raised and then sent to different charities. On the 16th September a group of sixth form students and their head of year organised a coffee morning during which the whole of sixth form and their teachers came and enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee with cakes and biscuits. While it seems like a very simple thing to do, the sixth formers alone raised £135. Key Stage Four also organised a similar event and raised £121.45. The money was then put together and sent off to the McMillan Cancer Support. It is a great way of helping millions of people, while it’s nothing big to do, the overall outcome is amazing and shows how something little can bring to something great and really help those in need. McMillan Cancer Support team do everything to try and to reach out and improve the lives of those affected by cancer. They provide medical, financial as well as practical care and support and strive towards better cancer care.

This is not the first time that Gumley House School has organised such events to raise money for charities. The school tries it’s best to help all those less fortunate and the students are always willing to help.