More than 60 former Women’s Land Army and women’s Timber Corps (WLA & TC) members were entertained by the Mayor of Croydon, Councillor Margaret Mead, in the Town Hall at the weekend.

The ladies luncheon was part of a national effort to recognise the valuable contribution that the locals from the organisation made during the Second World War. All have also been awarded a badge and certificate.

Said Councillor Mead: “This was a delightful occasion and it was wonderful to see several of the ladies meeting up again for the first time in many years.

“Although the armed forces were at the forefront of the war effort, organisations such as the Women’s Land Army and the Timber Corps performed valuable work to help sustain the home-based population throughout a very troubled time.

“Even today we have a lot to learn from the spirit, resourcefulness and willingness with which these remarkable ladies put the country’s needs above personal considerations.

“It was a privilege to see such a happy and relatively unacknowledged group get some deserved recognition.”