Owners of environmentally-friendly cars will be rewarded under a plan by Lambeth Council, which aims to lower the cost of parking permits for the least polluting vehicles.

The cost of a permit for an electric car would drop from £30 to nothing next year, and permits for cars in the second-lowest polluting band would fall from £100 to £90.

The cost of permits for cars that pollute the most would be raised, from £130 to £135 in band four, and £160 to £180 in band five.

Councillor Sally Prentice said: “We simply must act now if we are to tackle climate change.

"Providing incentives for people to switch to electric and lower carbon vehicles is an important part of attempts to cut Lambeth’s carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2050."

The council has introduced several policies to encourage people to take sustainable forms of transport, including subsidised cycle training sessions and promoting car clubs throughout the borough.

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