Two of the previous correspondents have highlighted the undoubtedly negative side of prostitution crime, drug addiction, girls in slavery but there is a positive side.

I have spoken with many women who are perfectly happy with what they have chosen to do and treat it like any other job.

Many get to know their clients very well and become good acquaintances. These are normal, bright people.

Some operate in massage parlours where they mostly enjoy a safe and protective environment. Others operate from their own flats riskier, but they can earn more money.

Some of the latter could be regarded as highly successful and are in the top 10 to 20 per cent of wage earners.

However, the biggest problem with prostitution is addiction to the standard of living.

It is very difficult to earn anything like as much money with flexible hours, and by the age of 35 to 45 their exit strategy is not clear, often having no other training.

On the specific point raised about Guardian advertising and police tolerance, I would ask everyone to remember that these women are carrying out a peaceful trade.

If they could not advertise and work there would be an adverse impact on themselves and their families.

The balance of human happiness would not necessarily alter for the better. In my opinion, both the police and the Guardian have their policy about correct and recognise that it is not their job to make moral judgements.

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