Croydon residents who wish to object to the development in Campden Road and other ugly developments may be interested in the reply I received from the council when objecting to a development near my home.

Whilst you refer to the density of the area and parking issues, the council's development plan, consistent with Government advice, is broadly that local planning authorities should support schemes that make the best use of land and encourage lower use of the car.

There would not have been grounds to refuse planning permission based on density or parking arrangements.' Clearly the powers that be seem to think that when people move into an area where parking is already a problem, they will immediately dispose of their cars rather than cause annoyance to their neighbours.

Or more accurately, the authorities do not give two hoots for the quality of life of those who pay their wages.

Given the rarity of flying pigs, I prefer the latter assumption.

Mrs K Garner Blenheim Park Road South Croydon