Music is a very personal thing and any music, piped or otherwise, that is not your choice is annoying.

Loud music is a cause of deafness. In fact one of the questions put by the hearing consultant is "have you been subject to loud noises?"

Unfortunately, this is extremely common now, with not only shops and pubs (except Wetherspoons) but building sites, private homes and car radios adding to the noise level.

At the moment there are builders in the empty house next door to me and believe me the so-called music is louder than the noise of the drills and hammering.

Yes, like Ronald Howard and Margaret Thompson piped music, from whatever quarter, is a menace to our eardrums and our sanity.

Let's have some peace and quiet so we can again hear the birds sing, and play our own music when we want it, quietly.

Maisie Dance
Wontford Road