Given the sensitive nature of what Shani Stevens does for a living, it’s not anything directly connected to work that she finds the most difficult – it’s going to dinner parties.

“The most difficult part of my job is being at a dinner party and being asked what I do for a living,” says Shani. “If I reply that I am an advanced systematic kinesiologist people don’t know what it is, if I reply that I am a colon hydrotherapist they don’t know what to say next, so I usually answer that I run a clinic which aims to restore clients’ health naturally.” The most common problems Shani comes across at the Cleansing Clinic in Addington Palace, Gravel Hill, are weight problems, people lacking energy and those experiencing poor digestive and bowel health – constipation, bloating, indigestion, IBS and candida.

“All of these conditions are easy to treat with colonics or herbal cleansing drinks and a nutritional programme,” she says.

“Other secondary conditions that clients might have like skin complaints, and lower back pain will then automatically improve. Many health conditions stem from a toxic bowel, these toxins are then reabsorbed into the blood system.” According to Shani, ignoring bowel health results in the 20,000 new cases of bowel cancer in the UK each year. Amazingly, she says an average person will have between five and 15lbs of impacted waste in their colons.

Shani decided to retrain after experiencing chronic fatigue and suffering from candida, a condition which means a yeast has got out of control and is growing in the gut.

Doctors could not help and, by chance, a friend recommended she visit a colon hydrotherapist. She hasn’t looked back and now aims to live what she teaches.

“I enjoy fresh whole foods, and take a range of nutritional supplements to support my health. I live what I teach because I believe in it so passionately,” says Shani.

She adds: “People often ask me if it’s about living longer, but it’s not about adding years to your life but about adding life to your years. So many people can’t live their life to the full because they are too tired and ill to enjoy their lives.

“I love my job because it is so rewarding to help people feel better and see them going on to achieve their health goals,” says Shani.

l Shani has a string of degrees and diplomas. Call her on 020 8689 8025