This chirpy fellow has had an eventful few weeks.

The cockatiel is being cared for by a family in Kenley after it became lost and disorientated and flew into a children’s nursery in Sandown Road, South Norwood.

Staff at Croydon Opportunity Pre-school Group found the feathered creature looking tired and hungry after it mistakenly flew into the adult education centre where the nursery is based on Wednesday, March 23 – the last day the nursery was open before the Easter holidays.

They believe the cockatiel must be someone’s pet as it is very tame and have adopted the bird until its owner can be traced.

After some food and rest the cockatiel was checked by a vet and given a clean bill of health.

Is this your cockatiel? Call the newsdesk on 020 8774 6589 or email news desk@croydon