I'm always amazed that some people are naive enough to believe everything they hear but rarely are convinced by the reality.

The post-Olympic vision of David Griffiths (Croydon Guardian, August 3), is laudable but I fear, sadly, only a dream promoted by those 21st century salesmen Messrs Coe/Blair/Livingstone and Tessa Jowell.

The benefits that they portray of having the Olympic games in London were exactly what the International Olympic Committee wanted to hear but, unfortunately, bear little resemblance to the reality.

In fact just look at the legacy of the most recent games in Greece. Since the closing ceremony just a year ago those purpose built 6billion euro stadia have not been host to any further events.

There are weeds growing through the concrete and the security bill alone costs 100million euro a year.

If the world centre for sporting achievement cannot utilise their state-of-the-art stadia what chance is there for London post-2012?

My right to question what's in it for me' may make David Griffiths sad and angry but it is me' and all other London taxpayers who are picking up the tab.

That amounts to £20 a year for the next 43 years which Mr Griffiths compares to the cost of a weekly newspaper.

My decisions as a pensioner are about which part of my food, gas, electricity and housing budget do I forego every year in order to pay for this.

I happen to believe that there are far worthier causes on which to spend a few billion pounds of my money.