Owners paraded their pooches on Saturday at a fundraising pet show.

The Croydon branch of the PDSA (Peoples' Dispensary for Sick Animals) organised the show at the Methodist Church Hall in Norbury.

The show was opened by Croydon's mayor, Councillor Maggie Mansell who also presented winners of the puppy class with their prizes.

Other classes in the competition, which was open to all types of dog both pedigree and mongrel, included best local dog and best rescue dog or bitch.

Phyllis Seymour, chairman of the Croydon branch of the PDSA and organiser of its fundraising events, explained the money raised by the show will help Croydon PDSA PetAid hospital which treats sick and injured pets of people who cannot afford private veterinary fees.

She said: "The day went very well.

"We had some lovely dogs, and we were very grateful to the mayor for opening the show and presenting some of the prizes."

She added that more than £300 had been raised by the show.

For more information on PetAid services call free-phone 0800 731 2502.