Eko dance brings together highly experienced dancers and musicians, with an exciting programme of traditional and new African dance.

Blema Sane is a compilation of traditional dances and stories from across Africa. Feel the energy of the history of Africa and enjoy the spectacle as people in Africa have enjoyed their celebrations for hundreds of years.

Ekomefeemo is what Eko dance want to say now about themselves and the world we live in. Living in Britain but originating from Africa they dance in British theatres but learned to dance in Africa. This is an exploration of how we make ourselves heard here and now. Ekomefeemo means making one together'.

A single piece of dance woven from strands created by different choreographers, working together to give meaning to common and disparate experiences.

The piece is the journey of this group of friends who have lived and worked together in different combinations and in different environments.

They have many things in common; they are all dancers; all live in London and all live in Accra, Ghana.

- Eko dance presents
Touching Hearts
Changing Lives
Croydon Clocktower
Thursday, March 30, 8pm
£11 020 8253 1030