For a long time Cleanaway has been at the forefront of UK recycling, and we own and operate two of the UK's most technologically advanced materials recycling facilities, including at Greenwich the first such facility to be constructed in an urban environment.

These operations recover around 125,000 tonnes per annum of high quality recyclables plastic, card, paper, cans and glass.

Much of the technology was tried and tested in countries that have higher recycling rates than the UK, and this applies to Cleanaway's proposal to build an autoclave facility, with the ability to recover around 80 per cent of material.

Waste will be steam-cleaned to a high temperature and this process will ensure a better quality of recyclables which increases their potential to be re-used.

Consumers increasingly buy recycled products, and the recovery and re-use of materials is becoming a dynamic market. Increasing the range, volume and quality of recyclables is a challenge that Cleanaway welcomes.

SIMON HOULAHAN Area manager for Cleanaway