CROYDON CHA RAMBLING CLUB: Tuesday evening walks. Forestdale car park, May 9. Four miles or less. Walks start at 7pm. 8651 5494.

CROYDON BUSINESS CHARITY CRICKET MATCH: London Community Cricket Association, Plough Lane, Wallington, June 13, 10.30am to 5.30pm. Guest of honour Phil Tufnel. Men and women players and sponsors needed. 8680 6102.

SPRING PARK TRAVEL AND SOCIAL CLUB: Wickham Hall, Sussex Road, West Wickham. Monthly meetings from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Age group 50 plus, speakers, table tennis, and holidays organised during the year. First visit free then £1 entry. Peggy 8777 7871 or Betty 8777 3561.