A-level student David Tran, 18, says more should be done to ensure that youngsters are more aware of local issues.

David will vote either Labour or Liberal Democrats at next week's ballot, but insists more people his age should be encouraged to vote and take notice of local issues.

The Coulsdon College student said: "The majority of people I know will throw their voting card in the bin. I only know a few people who have any intention of voting in the local elections.

"I guess through things like advertising and putting up banners everywhere would help raise awareness of these local elections. It's important that councillors reach out to first-time voters because our right to vote is important."

Although student finances are no longer the remit of local authorities, David hopes that the borough's next council is more sympathetic to the fiscal stresses students face.

The business studies, English and history student added: "Students nowadays have to pay so much money. If you go to university you have to pay accommodation and travel costs and with tuition fees you are left with a massive amount of money to pay after you graduate. Tuition fees is something that would put me off going to university."

He added: "The council could also make colleges more socially active during and after college, maybe introducing more recreational schemes at colleges in Croydon."

David says he is aware the effect council tax increases have.

"I've no problems with the way the current council is running Croydon but my older brother has been hindered by the high council tax levels and I would like to see the next council at least try to keep taxation to a minimum."