Croydon pensioner Christine Webb says she is very unhappy with Croydon's Labour council and will demonstrate this by voting Conservative next week.

The former college lecturer, from Sanderstead, said the closure of the Crosfield factory which employed more than 80 disabled people and the closure threatened nursing homes, Stroud Green Lodge and Coleby Court, were the reasons for her decision to vote Tory.

"To be honest I don't think the current Labour council is doing a good job," she said. "I think they are doing a terrible job. Services have declined, the library services have declined, the care of the parks has declined. There is just a general deterioration of services in Croydon.

"Something that really concerns me and those pensioners who are aware of it is the closure of Crosfield and the planned closure of the old people's homes."

Christine also said increasing council tax bills and funding for the 2012 Olympic Games will be major issues among pensioners.

She added: "The first issue that comes to mind is council tax.

"The council tax is peanuts for rich people but a very big burden for pensioners because we are poor.

"We are on fixed incomes so when the council tax rises our incomes stay the same, which makes things difficult for us.

"I also feel strongly about the fact that Londoners have to pay for the Olympics.

"The businesses are going to gain from the Olympic Games, which is fine, but why should pensioners have to pay for it?"