I am sure most of your readers feel as much revulsion as I do over the plight of pensioner Jackie Rigden and her parking experience in Croydon on a bank holiday (Letters, April 26).

However, to tow a car away in the circumstances described by Mrs Ridgen almost certainly contravenes guidelines clearly detailed on page 18 of the NPAS report 2004 (available at www.parking-appeals.gov.uk/about/NPAS2004Report.pdf.

This details that a council "needs to be able to justify in every case why the issue of a PCN alone would not have achieved the desired objective" (ie of a reasonable level of compliance with legitimate parking restrictions).

This becomes particularly relevant when a car is not causing an obstruction and parked in a pay and display bay.

The amount of time is also relevant in Mrs Rigden's case only 30 minutes.

In this case Mrs Rigden should go through the appeals procedure at Parking for London. She might well find that Croydon does not even contest her appeal.

In any event she has nothing to lose.

R M Thomson
Glebe Hyrst