Show your support for the homeless at a charity sleep out event taking place which coincides with warnings the number sleeping rough in London could double.

London Assembly member Jenny Jones said cuts to housing benefit and homelessness services could lead to rough sleeping doubling by the end of 2012.

She said: "This toxic cocktail of cuts from the Government, London Councils and the boroughs will probably shatter any chance of ending rough sleeping in London.

"Halving street outreach in many parts of the capital, closing hostels and ending a support line for vulnerable Londoners are the last things we need in the face of benefit cuts and job losses. It all points to a large rise in homelessness.

"The Mayor of London’s housing experts have been quietly lobbying, but it is time the Mayor himself made a lot of noise about this."

To play your part, sign up to Kingston’s second Sleep Easy, a YMCA event held with Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness, which encourages people to sleep in the street for a night.

Last year, fundraisers took to their sleeping bags to Memorial Gardens and raised £21,000, which was split between the two charities.

Once again, free food and entertainment will be on offer for those taking part from January 29 at 7pm, until 5am on January 30.

Visit sleep for more details.