A woman from Epsom has returned home after taking part in a charity round the world relay in a fire engine.

Gemma Rowlan, 27, took part in the Guinness world record for ‘longest journey by a fire engine’ in honour of Garth Moore, a firefighter from Dorset who died of lung cancer last year.

“The trip is in memory of our friend’s Dad, Garth Moore, and is dedicated to his life,” said Gemma.

Organised by his son, Steve Moore, the trip took two years to plan and has raised more than £100,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support, The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and the Firefighters Charity.

26 crew members travelled in relays across gruelling terrain in Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Australia, New Zealand and Africa.

After nine months, 30,000 miles, 28 countries and five continents, the finishing team arrived home to crowds of supporters in Greenwich this week.

Gemma travelled the width of the US in the fire engine from Phoenix to New York City, and was amazed by the support they received.

“The generosity of people who wanted to donate and get behind us was amazing, said Gemma.

“People put us up in their homes and gave us free accommodation.

“It was really humbling.”

The team was lucky enough to be in New Orleans for Mardi Gras which was a highlight for Gemma, along with ranch riding in Texas and driving through Times Square in New York with their fire engine lights on.

But travelling 10 to 12 hours a day by fire engine had its drawbacks.

“It was quite confined and tough going.”

“The front is amazing but the back of the fire engine is worse than the worst budget airline.”

Supporting three worthy charities, the crew was happy to put their lives on hold to take part in the nine month trip.

Gemma added: “It’s a sad fact that a lot of people are touched by cancer and that made us really believe in what we were doing.”

On this return to the UK Steve Moore said: “We wanted to do something that paid tribute to my father, and the charities that related to his life, and passing.

“We’ve covered gruelling terrain in Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan, faced the rainy season in Thailand and Laos, the height of summer in Australia and snow in the USA!

“The expedition has been a phenomenal success and has raised a significant amount of money for three amazing charities.

It’s a fantastic achievement for all involved.”

Judy Spence, area fundraising manager for Macmillan Cancer support in South London said:“I saw Steve and the crew off from Greenwich in April last year which was an emotional moment, but seeing them come back exactly on time, sirens blasting, 9 months later, absolutely topped that.

“We feel really honored to have been chosen as one of the charities they wanted to support in Garth’s name and it has meant a great deal to us.

“Not only have they raised over £100,000 for their three chosen charities but they have raised awareness of Macmillan Cancer Support across the world.”