An arson attack on two cars has sparked an appeal for witnesses by Elmbridge detectives.

The vehicles and the front door of a house were seriously damaged in the attack, which took place between 12.30am and 12.45am, on Sunday, August 14, in Dunstable Road, West Molesey.

Detective Constable Caroline Millar, who is leading the investigation, said: “Fortunately no one was injured during the fires but it is clear that the dangerous and utterly irresponsible actions of those who carried out this offence could easily have had even more serious consequences.”

He said police were treating it as an isolated incident and would be continuing inquiries throughout the area.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or with any further information should call Surrey police on 0845 1252222, quoting reference EL/11/6333, or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.