Battersea businesses have bounced back after last week's riots forced many to close.

While boarded-up stores are still waiting for replacement windows, many shops re-opened last Wednesday and Thursday, with Debenhams - which was completely ransacked - finally re-opening for trading on Saturday.

Hakan Yaylagul, owner of Jacks at the Junction Cafe in Lavender Hill, said: "It was madness and criminal. They got inside but did not take anything.

"Of course it will affect the area as a whole but it will recover quickly. Everyone will get back on their feet and everyone is being positive. They will react well and get back to normal."

Meanwhile, Wandsworth Council is offering grants and loans to businesses damaged by rioters to help rebuild their shop fronts.

To help them in the short term, Wandsworth Council leader Councillor Ravi Govindia said the council will do everything it can to help small firms raise the finance they need through the Town Centre Improvement Scheme.

The scheme provides loans and grants of up to £15,000, or up to a third of the total cost of the repairs.

For more information visit or contact John Ruske on 020 8871 7031 or