Sir, We must remember that first and foremost foxes are wild animals and will act as such.

They are not domesticated like dogs and are not man’s best friend.

No-one is trying to demonise foxes, but equally we need to remember they are vermin - they are not pets and the do-gooders feeding them chicken breasts and other tasty morsels aren’t aware of the damage they’re doing.

Like all vermin they need to be controlled. Can you imagine the uproar if people were purposely encouraging rats by feeding them and inviting them into their back gardens?

The urbanised fox is man’s creation and we have a responsibility to deal with the problem we have created. If we can stop misguided people feeding them then that would be a start, but we should also clamp down on the thoughtless people who leave rubbish strewn about the place as this also acts as an encouragement.

If we don’t control them then we have to expect them to continue causing problems, ripping open rubbish sacks, killing the odd cat and getting into our homes - it’s in their nature.

David Jefferies
Email address supplied