A New Malden department store has become the first big company to dig deep for our Honour the Fallen Campaign.

Tudor Williams, in New Malden High Street, donated a £100 after hearing of the plight of St John the Baptist Church in last week’s Surrey Comet.

Peter Findlater, manager of Tudor Willams, said: “We were outraged to discover what had happened and as a local independent store of long standing we want to support out fallen heroes.”

Generous Surrey Comet readers have collectively donated £360 to our campaign to restore the war memorial in time for Remembrance Sunday.

Former service man Mr G Doodward wrote he was appalled by the damage done to the memorial, and donated £20 towards its repair.

Jacqueline McClean said she was saddened by the “mindless damage these vandals have done” and sent £10 to help put it right.

Ferguson Smith of Malden Green Avenue, Old Malden, donated £50 and other generous donors included ward councillor David Fraser and his wife, who sent £20, Mr and Mrs Burrows who sent £25.

Mr and Mrs Fisher included a note saying “well done for organising this” with their £10 cheque.