Services at a disabled day care centre that was described as a second home to its users are stopping a month earlier than expected.

Kingston Council decided to shut the Causeway Centre in New Malden, which provides for people with severe learning disabilities, by October 31.

However the council have confirmed that services at the causeway will stop on Friday, September 30, but the building will close at the end of October.

When the council made their decision in July they agreed that if alternative arrangements had been made sooner than October 31, the centre could stop its services earlier. A council spokesman said: “Alternative arrangements have been made for people depending on their needs and preferences.

“These include using Home Farm Trust services in New Malden, Geneva Road services in Kingston or Individual Budgets to buy their own services, or a combination of all these options.”

A new drop in service at the Fountain Youth Centre in New Malden, run by Welmede, will start on Monday, October 3.