Rape Crisis flagship centre in Croydon received a record number of calls last week, in direct response to a Coronation Street storyline.

The centre in Croydon, which runs the national helpline for survivors, experienced an 800 percent in calls after the storyline depicting the rape of character Carla Connor was aired.

Around 10 million viewers tuned in to the program, which showed Frank Foster rape his wife-to-be after she called of their wedding a day before the ceremony.

Rosa Knight, Helpline Coordinator at Rape Crisis South London, praised the program makers for their accuracy.

She said: "Though other programs have run similar storylines, the response for the Coronation Street storyline has been like nothing we've experienced before.

"The fact we have had such a huge increase in calls demonstrates that women who have survived rape do need care and support, but they are not always aware of how to get it.

"We urge women who cannot get through not to give up. We will work our hardest to ensure your all for support is answered."

Survivors can go online to www.rapecrisis.org.uk for counselling and support.

The national Rape Crisis helpline is 0808 802 9999 and is open every day between 12-2.30pm and 7-9.30pm.