Detectives are now looking at 30 incidents across Surrey where elderly people have been targeted by thieves posing as police officers.

All of the incidents have happened since the start of the year, with the majority in Elmbridge.

People have been approached by between one and three men in dark clothing at their front door or have discovered the men already in their homes.

When confronted, the burglars often claimed they were police officers investigating a crime and showed false identification before stealing items.

In some cases the men forced their way inside while the occupier is in another room or asleep and when challenged claimed to be police officers.

Detective Inspector Karen Hughes said: “To target the most vulnerable members of our community in this way is despicable and cowardly.”

Superintendent Sharon Bush said: “If you live next door to someone who is vulnerable or have elderly relatives living alone please remind them to keep their doors secure even when they are at home and take precautions when answering the door to strangers. “If you are not expecting the caller, keep your door locked and ask to see some identification - perhaps through a window or letterbox.”