A health club’s controversial proposal to extend parking down a school road has been turned down.

Colets Health and Fitness in Thames Ditton wanted to concrete over a grass verge alongside Thames Ditton Infants School to provide 12 extra parking spaces.

Employees said it was unacceptable to be forced to park off-site when the spaces were full and argued that the health club was a valuable community asset.

However, the plans generated a huge number of objections, 81 in total, as well as a 52-signature petition.

Many of the objectors said Elmbridge’s new core strategy 2011 called for a reduction in car use, suggesting health club members should be encouraged not to drive.

Elmbridge Council decided to refuse the application on April 27.

In its refusal, it stated: “The proposed parking along St Nicholas Road would result in an erosion of existing green space and would have an adverse visual impact on the existing street scene, the character of the area and the adjacent conservation area.”