Two councils have combined to crack down on disabled parking fraudsters.

Croydon Council has been working with Lambeth to combat blue-badge fraud, using Lambeth’s award0-winning officers to get the scheme going.

In 2011 the partnership saw nine motorists caught and convicted of using the badges fraudulently and in the first four month of 2012 a number of badges believed to be in use illegally have been seized.

Councillor Phil Thomas, cabinet member for environment and highways, said: “We’re grateful to our Lambeth colleagues for the assistance they’ve given us in our fight against this insidious fraud.

“We’ll continue to clamp down on this crime, the victims of which are disabled people who are seriously disadvantaged by the selfishness of drivers who abuse a system designed for those with a genuine need.

10,556 blue badges have been issued in Croydon and the council believe abuse of the scheme is a growing and widespread problem.

t is hoped the launch of a redesigned permit will help in the fight against this antisocial crime.

Genuine blue-badge holders may park on single or double yellow lines for up to three hours, except where there is a ban on loading or unloading.

They may also park free of charge and for as long as they need to, at on-street parking meters and pay-and-display machines.